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Ear mites in Cats

What are ear mites?

Ear mites are a very common parasite seen in young kittens but can also occur in cats and dogs. Theses mites are microscopic and can barely be seen with your naked eye. Finding them under a microscope is needed to confirm their presence in your pet.

Ear mites can live on the skin of the ears and in the ear canals. They are about the size of the tip of a pen. These mites will feed off debris found in the ear such as ear wax, dead skin, dirt, and oils from the skin. Adult ear mites can live for about two months, but can easily multiply. Ear mites survive the best in the warm and humid environment that is found in your cat’s ears. Once the adult ear mite lays eggs, it takes just four days to hatch and about three weeks to grown into an adult mite ready to reproduce.

Not only are these ear mites extremely irritating but also they can cause other problems. Many cats will damage their skin and ears scratching them and trying to get relief, this can lead to an ear infection. If you do not treat these mites, they can damage your cat’s ears permanently.

How to check for ear mites in cats?

Ear mites will cause your cat to itch their ears, this results in them constantly shaking their head, or scratching their ears with their paws. Ear mites will produce a lot of wax which will irritate, your pet’s ears. Their ears will look red and inflamed. Ear mites usually will cause a dry black discharge and an unusual odor.

Other than ear mites, this irritation can also be caused by allergies. It is important that you get your pet to your vet for a diagnosis. Your vets will confirm a diagnosis of ear mites by examining the discharge from the ear under a microscope.

How do cats get ear mites?

Ear mites can transfer between animals through close contact.

Can Other pets catch ear mites?

Ear mites are very contagious to other animals in your house. Even if your other animals are not showing symptoms they should also treated for ear mites. Cats most commonly catch ear mites because of their lifestyle habits.

Can humans get ear mites from cats?

In rare cases, cat owners have developed skin rashes from their pet having ear mites. The ear mites that people get are different than the one that infects cats.

How long does it take to get rid of ear mites in cats?

Many topical flea treatments for cats also prevent and treat ear mites. This is the easiest way to protect your cat from ear mites. Usually only one or two applications is enough to get rid of ear mites.

Ear drops are also available. These may require at least three weeks of treatment. Most medications cannot kill the eggs, which take 21 days to mature into adult mites. If using ear drops, it’s important that you use them, as directed and for the correct length of time. Topical treatments need to be used for a month and are stronger, so they can kill the eggs and adult mites.

How Do I Treat Ear Mites at Home

At first you must clean your cats ears to get rid of all the discharge. If you’ve never done this before, you can follow the steps below. You might need an assistant, unless your cat is particularly agreeable.

How to clean your cats ears
1. Find a surface to work on. It is best to use a counter as this is easier for you to stand. Get a towel for your cat to sit on, some ear cleanser, and cotton balls.
2. Hold your cat’s ear and put a small amount of cleaner into the ear.
3. Gently massage the base of the ear.
4. Release the ear and let your cat shake his head.
5. Use the cotton ball to clean out the ear. Do not to force any debris in the ear canal.
6. Repeat with the other ear.

This process many have to be repeated a few times to fully clean the ears. A cotton-tipped swab can be used to reach some debris. Always make sure that you can see the tip of the swab to prevent damaging the ear drum.

Once there is no more debris in your cats ears you can apply a ear mite medication. Each medication has different instruction. Make sure to follow the directions on the package. The best products that will kill ear mites quickly you can get from your vet.
When you are treating your cat’s ears you will also want to treat mites that are on your cat bodies. Certain flea and tick medication can help with this.

Preventing the Spread of Ear Mites
If you cannot get rid of the ear mites yourself, talk to your veterinarian. Be sure you also treating all other pets in our house, they too may have ear mites even if they are not showing any symptoms.