How To Choose The Best Vet Clinic In Singapore? – Get Key Tips Here!
Pets are like family members for the owners. Some people love them as their kids. Whenever their pet feels unwell, they start searching for the best vet clinic in Singapore. A vet clinic has some professionals who have extensive knowledge about animals and their...
Ear mites in Cats
What are ear mites? Ear mites are a very common parasite seen in young kittens but can also occur in cats and dogs. Theses mites are microscopic and can barely be seen with your naked eye. Finding them under a microscope is needed to confirm their presence in your...
Kidney Disease in Cats
Kidney Disease in Cats As a cat gets older their kidneys can begin to fail. 30% of old cats have kidney problems. If you do not treat kidney failure your cat will have other complications. There are many things that you can do to increase the quality and quantity of...
Does my cat have flu? – The Cat Flu
The cat flu Does your cat have watery eyes and green discharge coming from their nose? This may just be a simple cold but it could also be the cat flu. This article will explain all about the cat flu and what you need to do to get you cat back to a healthy life. What...
What is a cat clinic?
What is a Cat Clinic? A cat clinic is a veterinary clinic that goes the extra mile for their feline patients. From the moment of making an appointment, our staff will advice you on tips and tricks to reduce your cat’s stress and anxiety when visiting the clinic. The...
Pancreatitis in Cats
Pancreatitis in cats What does the pancreas do? The pancreas is a small organ found between the stomach and intestines in your cat. This organ is critical in producing hormones such as insulin. Insulin regulates your cat's blood sugar. The pancreas makes digestive...
Maggot Wound in Dogs
Maggot Wound in Dogs You may have just found out that your dog has maggots. These parasites can cause many problems for your dog. This article will explain what maggots are and what you can do to help your dog get rid of these unwanted parasites. What are Maggots ?...
Why is my dog having diarrhea?
Causes of diarrhea in dogs Diarrhea is very commonly seen in dogs at Oasis Vet. Dogs will eat almost anything. This may cause your dog to have diarrhea. There are many reasons why your dog may have a tummy upset. Many times this may be something that has happened very...
Why should you have your dog spayed?
Why should you have your dog spayed? Spaying your dog is something that you may be considering for your dog. This may be your first time owning a dog and have a lot of questions. There are many things to consider, such as how the procedure will be performed, the risk...
Why is my cat not using the kitty litter?
Unacceptable indoor elimination is when a cat pees/ poos outside the litter box or at inappropriate places. Below are some reasons why this might occur: Feline Idiopathic Cystitis Other medical reasons Marking Environmental and social factors The ultimate aim is to...
My Pet is Throwing Up
My Pet is Throwing Up What Is Vomiting? Vomiting is the forceful emptying of the contents of the stomach. It is caused by the brain, sending a signal to the stomach. This signal originates in the brain known as the vomiting center. Vomiting was developed to help save...
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) in Dogs
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) in Dogs Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is a disease that affects the back. The cushioning discs between the vertebrae of the spinal column will either bulge or herniate and put pressure on the spinal cord. This pressure will...
Should I neuter my dog?
Neutering your dog You may have gotten a new puppy or have recently adopted one. You are probably trying to now decide when to have your dog ‘fixed’. The medical term for “fixing” a male dog is castration. It can be called neutering as well. Neutering is the removal...
When should my pet be euthanized ?
When should my pet be euthanized? It is never an easy decision deciding when it is time to say goodbye to your pet. It is a joint decision made by owner and veterinarian. Euthanasia is often discussed when the medical problem affecting a pet progresses and the pet is...
Does my cat have flu?
What causes cat flu? Cat flu is a general term for contagious upper respiratory disease in felines. These viruses produce symptoms that are similar to the common cold in humans. Commonly the disease is caused by Feline Herpes Virus 1 (FHV1) and Feline Calicivirus...